Wheatley Craft Vodka 375ml

Wheatley Craft Vodka 375ml

Tito's Vodka Liter

Tito's Vodka Liter

Wheatley Craft Vodka Liter

In stock
Grouped product items
Product Name Qty
Wheatley Craft Vodka Liter (Liter)
BSD 17.73
Wheatley Craft Vodka Liter (12 per Case)
BSD 165.00
o Handcrafted by Master Distiller Harlen Wheatley
o Made from scratch in small batches using Harlen's micro-still
o A unique recipe of wheat, corn and malted barley
o An artisanal vodka that's distilled ten times and then triple filtered for a supremely pure taste
o Pure and crisp on the nose
o The fresh and clean taste finishes with a hint of soft vanilla
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Country United States
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