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Teeling Blackpitts Peated Single Malt Irish Whisky

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Teeling Blackpitts Peated Single Malt Irish Whisky (700ml)
BSD 81.77
Inspired by the old ancient Blackpitts area just behind the new Teeling Whiskey Distillery based in Newmarket in the old Liberties area of Dublin City, this area was synonymous with many industries and in particular malting houses. Blackpitts was traditionally home to some of the largest barley malting houses in Ireland. By using smoke from peat to dry the barley during the malting process, the resulting peated malt produces a distinctive smoky taste profile which is the signature of a Peated Single Malt.

However, what makes Teeling Blackpitts so unique is the triple distillation process, which reduces some of the medicinal character you would get from a traditional Scottish Peated Single Malt and allows the more barbeque smoke characteristic to shine. This is then combined with signature Teeling innovative cask maturation using both ex-bourbon and ex-Sauternes white wine casks, which is bottled at 46% with no chill filtration to produce a truly different and unique expression of Teeling and Irish Whiskey. The inspiration for the use of these casks came from a previous bottling of Teeling 24-Year-Old Single Malt which was honoured as the “World’s Best Single Malt” in 2019 at the World Whiskies Awards.
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Country UK-Ireland
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