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Astoria Alisia Pinot Grigio IGT 750 ml

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Astoria Alisia Pinot Grigio IGT 750 ml (750ml)
BSD 19.95
Grape variety: Pinot Grigio.

The grapes are harvested by hand towards the end of August. After the grapes are lightly crushed, static decantation of the must and primary fermentation at 18/19°C in contact with selected yeasts follow. The thus obtained wine remains in contact with the grape skins for a couple of weeks and then undergoes filtration and tartaric stabilization. After bottling, the wine is allowed to age a couple of months.

Colour: light straw yellow with golden shades.

Bouquet: intense, fruity reminding of hay and walnut husk, fine and elegant.
Taste: velvety harmonious, characteristic and refined.

Alcohol content, % vol. 12.00 – 13.00

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Country Italy
Varietal Pinot Grigio
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